Main steam pipes without boiler stop valves
I am involved in the evaluation of a bid by a Chinese supplier for a
boiler supplying steam to a 600MW steam turbine. The main steam
conditions for the boiler are 240bar and 570C and the steam pipe will be
designed to B31.1.
The bidder is proposing not to instal a
boiler stop valve (BSV), so I asked if the turbine inlet valves could
withstand the boiler hydrostatic test pressure.
The response was that the turbine valves/MUD VALVES will not withstand the boiler test pressure or even the steam pipe test pressure.
boiler hydrostatic testing the steam pipe will be cut and a blanking
plate installed, After testing the plate will be removed and the pipe
The steam pipe will not be hydrostatically tested but will be subjected to 100% radiography.
With 20minutes to respond on this matter, I rejected the proposal and said that either:
a BSV (with bi-directional sealing) should be installed anf the turbine
valves should be able to withstand the pipe test pressure or,
2. a BSV need not be installed but the turbine valves should be able to withstand the boiler test pressure.
concern is that this problem has not gone away and not doubt there will
be a further reply quoting Chinese practice. If anyone has any advice
or comments I would be pleased to hear them.
It sound to me that you made the right call. A Stop valve should be installed for safety reasons. If there is more than one boiler on this line then definately so. Also if the turbine trips than steam or water may go the wrong way causing damage to the boiler or turbine. anyway good call on short notice.
You have made the correct call. In fact, we have a smaller unit that is
the only odd ball in our fleet where we have no boiler stop valve from
original design. However, the MS piping and turbine stop valves were
designed to accommodate pressure testing of the boiler. Why did I say
pressure testing? Because hydrostatic testing and pressure testing are
basically the same test method (water is used as the pressurized fluid)
except hydrostatic testing is either 1.3 or 1.5X MAWP by Code.
will pressure test this boiler at some point. Now imagine conducting a
pressure test after weld repairs of the boiler and subjecting the heavy
wall MS pipe downstream of the boiler outlet to cold water. This results
in thermal shock and possible thermal fatigue damage.
For the
odd ball unit I mentioned above, we perform either air over water or
nitrogen over water to avoid filling the entire boiler for a pressure
test after repairs. We keep pressure testing water out of the main steam