Shell Test Pressure
7.1.1: Shell Test Pressure - Each valve shall be given a shell test at a
gage pressure no less than 1.5 times the 38C(100F) pressure rating,
rounded off to the next higher 25 psi(1 bar) increment.
I have a ANSI CL300 Check Valve Wafer Style NPS12". Operating Temperature - 288C
Operating Pressure - 336 psig
According to ASME B16.5 Table F2-2.2 for A351 Gr. CG8M, working pressure for CL300 at 38C is 720 psig.
Is it acceptable to use 450 psig as the shell test pressure in this case? If not, what should be the test pressure?
I will appreciate your insight in this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.gate valve
Why are you even testing this valve, is this part of new pipe construction or repair, or are you looking to prove test an existing valve?
By the way, if you are going to quote or paraphrase applicable
paragraphs from Codes and Standards please make sure that you read and
copy the necessary paragraph.
Regarding test pressure in this
section (a)7.1, it is 1.5X the working pressure at 100 deg F using
water. So go to the Pressure-Temperature rating table applicable for the
material group and class valve. All of the information is there and as I
mentioned above the manufacturer would perform this activity and know
this as well.