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Regulator Trim 2010-11-19
Really basic question here: can someone please explain what "trim" refers to with regards to regulators? And, is it the same as the percent capacity?
Valve test benches 2010-11-19
I am interested in finding Valve test benches designed for seat leakage and body testing of all kind of valves. It could be new or used.
Telescopic Valve Engines? 2010-11-19
It is well known that Dr. Alfred J Buchi invented the turbocharger in c. 1905 while in charge of Research at Sulzer Engines in Winterthur, Switzerland. Not as well known is that he developed a "teles
Main steam pipes without boiler stop valves 2010-11-18
I am involved in the evaluation of a bid by a Chinese supplier for a boiler supplying steam to a 600MW steam turbine. The main steam conditions for the boiler are 240bar and 570C and the steam pipe wi
Inherent Control Valve Characteristics 2010-11-18
Can anyone provide me with a a web link, book refrence, or any experience in how to choose an inherent valve characteristic?
Interesting Pipeline Blowdown 2010-11-18
Monday I needed to drain a produced water gathering system for maintenance. This system is supplied by four gas wells with pump jacks on them. The pump jacks discharge directly into the gas gatherin
testing seats in trunnion valves 2010-11-18
According to API608 trunnion valves shall have a test plug to test seats. So I'm wondering how to test a seat. Is there anyting I have to look at?
Counter Balance Circuit Problem 2010-11-18
I have a system i want to get some advice on. Large milling machine, hyd system = counterbalance circuit : 2 counterbalance cylinders, pilot operated check valve, pressure reducing valve and a nitroge