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Cryogenic Globe Valve Flow Direction 2010-11-10
Can the flow direction on this type of globe valve be in either direction? The service is liquid oxygen with this valve located on the upstream side of the liquid oxygen vaporizers. There is a flow
valve isolation methodology 2010-11-10
We have a 4000 t lpg storage tank, and have a requirement to changeout the primary isolation valve on the 8" relief valve riser. Is the equipment for this available on the market or do we have to deve
Material Type-Water Main and Force Main 2010-11-10
I am looking for different opinions on the material and thickness (pressure class) used for water mains and sewer force mains. There is usually a local utility standard that I have to meet, but in th
Transonic Combustion - SAE Paper 2010-11-10
Since the prior thread is closed, I'm posting this in a new thread referencing the original thread. I previously posted that when new technical information became publicly available, I would link it
Sizing a pump with a elevation in the discharge line. 2010-11-10
In the process of trouble shouting a mud disposal system, I found that although the discharge point has an elevation below the suction point; thus giving a negative static head, there is a hill in bet
electromagnetic flowmeter for partially full pipes 2010-11-09
I am trying to convince a local sewer authority to allow my client to utilize an electromagnetic flowmeter for partially full pipe specifically a Parti-Mag II for process wastewater (vegetable washwat
Sewage Pump Station throttling mechanism 2010-11-09
I'm designing a pump station to convey your typical waste from an apartment building. The pump station is designed with two submersible centrifugal grinder pumps, and connects into an existing munici
swagelok/parker 2010-11-09
there is on the market cheap alternatives to swagelok and parket fittings and conector for steel tubing . can somebody do comments .